"Baby Boomer" makes a life altering change . . .

Born in 1946, and without any input into the decision to join planet earth, and without my knowledge, I joined the ranks of the first year of baby boomers. Not to bore you with my biography, I have spent most of my working years as a CEO of U.S. hospitals . . . four to be exact.
In 2003 I simply had enough of that routine. The typical Hospital CEO gets up between 5-6 AM and gets his brains and emotions scrambled for 12 to 14 hours per day. Much of this work is very gratifying, and a lot is a "bucket full of busy." So, without a business plan, I plunged into a crowded pool of healthcare consulting firms. What a swim it has been. I have learned more in the past three years than the previous thirteen. There is a lot of flying, long days away from home and the associated concerns of starting something (new business) you know precious little about.
On the other hand, the joy of waking up in the morning and being responsible only to your family and employees is a real kick. There is no medical staff and there is no board of directors. I have advisors, and they speak frankly about what they like and don't like. But, in the final analysis, I make the key decisions on behalf of the firm American Healthcare Solutions and live with the consequences. I have my list of mistakes. But the successes are sweet and satisfying. Helping a little hospital get back on its feet and find its way in the market place is fun enough. The psychic rewards of a Board of Directors, Medical Staff and employees saying "thank you" is almost too hard to believe. This is the happiest and most liberated time in my life.
My friends and partners in the firm have been enormously patient and supportive. There have been good times and not so good times. However, if I want to know who is responsible, it does not take long to find a mirror.
So my fellow "baby boomers" on a road of despair I would only suggest that there are options. Take one. Life is short. There is little time to waste. Do not suffer fools. Nurture the young. Honor the elderly. Share your love everyday. Appreciate the little things in life. And first among equals, be honest with yourself.
Jan Jennings
Republished with permission from the Hospital News Group✅
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